A New Season of Growth

Build your Faith

Great lives don't happen by accident, they're built. Our heart as a church is simple: to help people develop a strong relationship with God so they can build stronger futures.

Sunday Experience | Sunday Experience

Sunday Experience | Sunday Experience


10:30 am

Come early for donuts & coffee!


1251 S. Sherman St. Ste. 112

Richardson, TX 75081


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Arrow pointing right

Date: Sundays

Time: 10:30 am

Place: 1251 S. Sherman St. Ste. 112 Richardson

Small Groups launch on February 9th

Sign up will begin on Sunday

Date: February 22nd

Time: 10 am

Place: 2760 Emmett St. Dallas, TX 75211

Date: February 23rd

Time: 10:30 am

Place: 1251 S. Sherman St. Ste. 112 Richardson

Our Community